Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goals for January 2013

These are the goals I have for January 2013:

The Bible I'll be reading for January is the Revised Standard Version. I'll be using my own bible reading plan. Old Testament: Mondays are for the books of the law, Tuesdays for history books, Wednesdays for wisdom books, Thursdays for major prophets, Friday for minor prophets. New Testament: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the four gospels and the book of Acts, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for the epistles. I *can* read in the OT on the weekends, but this is "free" reading. Sundays are free as well, I can read as much as I want, wherever I want.

In February, I'm considering choosing a New Testament epistle to read the MacArthur way--30 days in a row.

In Foundations, I'd like to get through the first eight messages.

  • What is Theology?
  • Scope and Purpose of Theology
  • General Revelation and Natural Theology
  • Special Revelation
  • Inspiration and Authority of Scripture
  • Infallibility and Inerrancy
  • Canonicity
  • Scripture and Authority

I'd like to read ten Spurgeon Sermons

And read through January in Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

1 comment:

twiga92 said...

We have that Foundations on dvd, I think. I want to watch those!