
Thursday, January 29, 2009

An Award--The Very First

Sheri from A Novel Menagerie awarded me (well, this blog) the Your Blog Is Fabulous award. She really made my day! Recipients are encouraged to write five things that you are addicted to and then pass it on to five other blogs.

First for my addictions.

1. I'm addicted to reading books.
2. I'm addicted to blogging. (Also reading blogs is included--count it 1 1/2 if you want.)
3. I'm addicted to reading challenges.
4. I'm addicted to doing things again-again. I'm all about repetition. (For example, watching Mamma Mia four times in two weeks.)
5. I'm addicted to Stargate SG-1.

Now to pass this one on....I chose all of the participants of Operation Actually challenge. I just couldn't narrow it down to five.


  1. Congrats on the well-deserved award. Could it really be a first? Hard to believe.

  2. Congratulations on your award. It is certainly well deserved.

    And thank your for passing it on to me.

  3. Congratulations! Very proud of you!

  4. Congratulations! Your blog is really awesome.

    And thanks for passing it on to me. My addictions:

    1. coffee
    2. chocolate
    3. reading novels, poetry, & blogs
    4. blogging (writing & publishing whatever comes out for anyone who cares to read...)
    5. creative hobbies like knitting, quilting, photography. They are addicting in that I can't stop myself from getting absorbed even when I should be doing something else.

  5. Becky -- My hat's off to you in being awarded the "Your Blog is Fabulous!" I think so too & thank you for thinking mine is too. Chug on over to see my addictions!

    Blessings -- Jan

  6. I have many similar addictions: with some films, or books, there is no such thing as "too many time through it." Thank you for awarding this to all of us, and I agree, your blog is fabulous. This one in particular.

  7. I think your blog(s) is (are) fabulous too. Congrats! Thanks for passing the award on!

    I'm trying to narrow my addictions down to 5... :-)
