
Monday, January 19, 2009

Blog Improvement Project Assignment #2.1

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Sophisticated Dorkiness: Assignment # 2 Blog Improvement Project

Part 1 — Brainstorming Ideas:

Read the articles (below) and find a technique that you think will help you brainstorm, then spend some quality time brainstorming.

24 Things to do When Stuck for a Topic to Blog About
Brainstorming Techniques for Bloggers
9 Steps to Better Blog Post Ideas

Keep track of the topic ideas you’ve brainstormed for a time in the future when you need some ideas. Come back and comment on this post or sign the Mr. Linky below with a post about brainstorming techniques you found particularly helpful or other brainstorming techniques you use.

I want Operation Actually Read Bible to be a multi-purpose blog. Book reviews. Reading challenges. Music reviews. Movie reviews (occasionally). Journaling. Memes. The focus is on life. On living. On God. Some of these posts will require more work, more effort than others.

I don't know that there was one specific thing I learned from the articles. But at the very least, it made me realize how important the behind-the-scenes steps are in blogging. Which is a good thing. I had actually started brainstorming earlier on this month in some areas. Thinking about things I wanted to write about. Planning ahead for things I wanted to include. Trying to find a way to be true-to-myself yet somewhere beneficial to others.

What I do when I'm brainstorming is open up a text document (TextEdit to be precise) and write there. I like the simplicity of these files. The very things that make them ugly-to-the-eyes makes them ultra-useful when it comes to cutting and pasting!


  1. Hi Becky - I remember your post for the Blog Advent Tour, and your mention from Bogsider on how impressed she was that you're actually going to read the Bible. So I had to pop by and say hi.

    I'm going to be starting a new arts-related feature on my blog, and I used Kim's post as my brainstorm. I'm loving this challenge so far! Hope you are, too.

  2. You know I am still impressed by the Bible-reading and the fact that you manage three blogs and manage them SO dang well. They look pretty and organized.

    I should guess that you would have an enormous audience, specially for your Bible-blog. I mean, I am sitting all the way up here in the cold North in Denmark, following you progress, although I have no intentions of reading the Bible myself nor am I practicing religion (of any faith) myself. So if I can feel inspired...I mean, there must be many Bible-interested people out there, whether they are believers or non-believers. It is a fantastic subject to blog about. I do hope your blog(s) will be succesfull. You write beautifully.

  3. Hi!
    I like your statement on putting other stuff on your blog. I have thought about doing that. Have a great day!!

