
Thursday, January 1, 2009

BTT: Reading Resolutions

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Happy New Year, everyone!

So … any Reading Resolutions? Say, specific books you plan to read? A plan to read more ____? Anything at all?

Name me at least ONE thing you’re looking forward to reading this year!

I want to read the Bible more in 2009. Specifically, I want to finish up the Wycliffe New Testament--I've read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Romans, and most of 1 Corinthians. I'd also like to get to the Tyndale New Testament. Of course there are other bibles--more than just new testament ones--I hope to get to this year. (The 1599 Geneva Bible and the ESV Study Bible).

I also want to read more Christian fiction and more Christian nonfiction. I'd love to read at least two Christian titles a week--for a total of 104 theoretically. But I'm not sure I'm up to it. We'll see. I'd really, really, really love to stick to this goal--lofty as it may be.


  1. Becky-

    Good goals! I bought Charles Stanley's The Life Principles Daily Bible to help me read the Bible in one year.

  2. So, you answered twice in a row! Again, Happy New Year.

  3. Good luck with your goals! I'd like to read more of the Bible this year too.
