
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Salon: Week In Review (February 8-14)

Happy Sunday everyone! How was your week? I hope you're happy and healthy! I'm *finally* beginning to feel better myself. Mostly. Except I've got a hurt leg now. But at least folks with hurt legs can read Bibles without fear of spreading germs. :) And that's something to take joy in. Also hurt legs aren't contagious so my friends and family aren't hiding from me anymore. It was very sad to not be able to spend time with my sister--though understandable on her part. She's expecting you see.

Bible reading updates...

Daniel 9 - 12; Nelson Study Bible
Genesis 29-36; ESV Study Bible
2 Timothy; Wycliffe Bible
Titus; Wycliffe Bible
Philemon; Wycliffe Bible
Hebrews; Wycliffe Bible

What I just have to share...

From Hebrews 4 in the Wycliffe Bible:

For the word of God is quick and speedy in working, and more able to pierce than any twain-edged sword, and stretches forth to the departing of the soul and of the spirit, and of the jointures and marrows, and deemer of thoughts and of intents and hearts. And no creatures is unvisible in the sight of God. For all things are naked and open to His eyes, to whom a word to us. Therefore we that have a great Bishop that pierced heavens, Jesus the Son of God, hold we the acknowledging of our hope. For we have not a bishop that may not have compassion on our infirmities, but was tempted by all things by likeness--without sin. Therefore go we with trust to the throne of His grace, that we get mercy and find grace in covenable help.

I'm reading Christianity in Crisis: 21rst Century by Hank Hanegraaff. I am loving it. So expect a review this week--if all goes well.

I'm also reading the Classic Bible Story Book by Kenneth N. Taylor. I've gotten through the Genesis stories so far. I don't know if I can finish that up this week or not. It's not that it's long. But I like taking my time with these small stories. Reading twenty in a row isn't really the point, the purpose of the book. They're meant to be read in small portions--for small attention spans. But soon.

In Christian fiction, I'm reading Heart of A Lion by Gilbert Morris. It's about Noah. A young teenaged Noah to be least so far. It's different than I expected. But not necessarily bad different. It hasn't got me wrapped around its finger yet. I'm actually making slow progress--a chapter or two a week for the past two weeks. But maybe I can give it some attention this week.

What do YOU do when a fiction book just isn't grabbing you? When you want to like it...when you want to want to read it? But you're just not feeling it? When you suspect that it's not the book's fault that is.


  1. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with it. It hurts from hip to ankle. I thought it was just a muscle cramp since I moved some boxes on Thursday afternoon. But on Saturdayish it was still sore. It is acting like my ankle is locked up--it's not wanting to bend or rotate or whatever it is ankles do that make walking work! It's not wanting to have any weight put on it...but the ankle is not hurting so much as the calf is on one side of the leg. It's not like a charlie horse kind of pain either. I'm not sure what is going on. I just know that walking is a pain!

  2. Great Blog! Check out this new Christian band that just released their first album. From what I heard on the samples site, they sound really good.

    Introducing the new Christian National Anthem: Guns & Jesus.

  3. Sorry about your leg. I hope that it gets better soon.

  4. Sorry about your leg. Hope whatever's wrong heals quickly. (It's obviously not slowed your reading down any!)

    If you're going to be posting a mid-month check-in for OAR participants, mine's up:

  5. What do I do about a fiction book that just isn't grabbing me? I've always told my kids (now grown) that they need to give a book at least 50 pages to see if they like it. So I try to do the same. Also, if you're reading a book a little at a time, over the course of weeks, I don't think it has the chance to grab you like it would if you just kept reading it over the course of a week or so.

    I'd like to recommend Lynn Austin's Christian fiction. I just finished "Until We Reach Home" and it was fabulous. Also, her "Refiner's Fire" series, set in Civil War times, is excellent as well. I also LOVED Quaker Summer by Lisa Samson. All this from a mainly non-fiction reader...

    moot96 AT aol DOT com
