
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Salon: Week In Review: March 8 - March 14

It's been a tough week for me. I'm not complaining. It's not that I've stopped reading my Bible. It's that I have the oh-no-it's-time-to-read-the-Bible blues. I didn't have that while in Genesis. I began coming down with it in the latter part of Exodus. I began the week by choosing to read Job. True, I knew going into it that Job--while far from boring--has its down moments. Could it be that while I'm stuck in my own semi-depression, I don't want to read about someone elses? Maybe. Or maybe I just have a case of when-oh-when-will-winter-end blues. Or probably closer to the mark the dreadful, I've-got-too-many-books-by-the-bed-and-it's-making-me-nervous blues.

Regardless, here is what I read this week.

Finished Exodus in the ESV Study Bible. (37-40)
Began Job. Read 1-30; ESV Study Bible
Psalms 35-40 1599 Geneva Study Bible
Revelation 1-2 Tyndale New Testament

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible


  1. Oh boy do I ever know what you mean. I am just at a standstill in my Bible reading, as yet another tragedy has made it's way into my life. First Jacob in September, then my mom in November, now my Grandfather. Heading up to NY for the funeral this week.

    As for actually getting back into my reading schedule, I'm going to skip around a bit. My Pastor spoke of a great verse in Peter this morning, so I may read a bit of that book for awhile.

    Hopefully life will eventually get back to normal. I'm thinking it's about time!

  2. It looks like you've made great progress for someone with the blues.

    It surprises me, but my 8-year-old is talking a lot about Job lately. She read an excerpt from her Bible and really loved God's answer out of the whirlwind.
