
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Handel's Messiah Mini-Challenge

Start Date: December 6, 2009
End Date: April 4, 2010
Goal to listen to Handel's Messiah at least once during Advent and/or Lent. Ideally, participants would commit to listening twice--once for each church season.
Come back to the blog and share your thoughts. Perhaps blog about your experience...
I will be providing a question/answer meme for you to answer (in whole or in part) if you should decide to join in!

Read more about Handel's Messiah here.
You should be able to listen to it online here. (NPR's Messiah Live in Philadelphia)

To sign up, leave a comment...

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible


  1. I will fall for it since we already go to one performance and listen to it on the CD as well along with Christmas Oratorio

  2. Yes, I am a big classical music person. At night I listen to classical music while I read. I have more than one copy of Handel's Messiah. Add me as a participator.

  3. What a lovely challenge,. I will be listening and joining, even tho I do not have a "blog". I will be there in spirit with you all.

  4. Count me in. I listen to it through-out the year. It will be interesting to see what folks blog about it.

  5. LOVE Handel's Messiah (and my Messiah, even more)!

    Not able to participate lately in the annual Community Messiah Choir, so this will give me my "fix" and good Scripture time as well, since the text is all Scripture.

    Thanks for this opportunity! I have the score, and the (gasp!) record. Wishing I had it on CD. (Young Messiah doesn't count, for this one, I'm sure.)

  6. Here is the link to my review:

  7. I attended a performance of the Messiah for the first time this December. My friend and the director of the Catholic School Choir I accompany took on the job of directing our community Messiah production this year. He was amazing! I've never seen him so enthusiastic. He also sang the bass portion - without a script - it was part of him. There were several high school students also participating who had gone through our Catholic school. It was a wonderful afternoon of beautiful music.
