
Monday, November 9, 2009

Book Review: The Swiss Courier

Goyer, Tricia and Mike Yorkey. 2009. The Swiss Courier. Revell. 324 pages.

He hoped his accent wouldn't give him away.

There was so much to love about this one. It's historical fiction. Set during World War II. 1944 to be exact. I've read many books set during this time period, but this one was unique--at least to me. It is set in Switzerland, for the most part, and stars heroes and heroines who are spies. They are men and women going undercover in Germany and risking their lives for the Allied Cause. Our heroine is the young and attractive Gabi Mueller. She's been given a secret mission--well, one big secret mission--she must help smuggle someone out of Germany. Will she succeed? Will her contribution make a difference to the war?

I think this one has much to offer readers. It's an enjoyable read that happens to be historical. If you love this time period, you should definitely seek it out.

Available October 2009 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the good review. I have this book in my TBR pile.
