
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Book Review: Thirsty

Thirsty. Tracey Bateman. 2009. Waterbrook Press. 376 pages.

Thick bass blared through amped-up speakers and drew Markus from his slumber.

Meet Nina Parker. She'd be the first to admit her mistakes. Her life has been full of mistakes. And it's cost her. Her husband has divorced her. He has full custody of both of her children. Her daughter, Meg, doesn't want anything to do with her. She's been arrested several times. She doesn't have a job or a place to live. At the start, anyway. But Nina Parker is being given a second chance. She's moving in with her sister (who is a sheriff) and returning to her hometown of Abbey Hills, a small town in the Ozarks. She'll be waitressing at Barney's, the local diner. And for this first week back, she'll have her daughter, Meg, with her. Can this week start the two on a new path. Can this relationship begin to heal? Can they learn from each other and begin to understand one another?

Unfortunately, this week isn't going to be easy on either of them. In fact, they may not survive the week. You see, there's a murderer on the loose in Abbey Hills. And victims (both human and animal) are being discovered: their bodies drained of blood, their hearts cut out. Who is the murderer, the monster, in their midst?

Thirsty--in case you couldn't tell by the cover alone--is a vampire novel. A so-called Christian vampire novel. You can read an interview with Tracey Bateman here.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible


  1. Hey, I'm reading this book right now, and it is really an intriguing book. I'm not far enough into it to understand this "mystery" guy yet.
    Looking forward to reviewing it.

  2. This was a terrific book. A quick read and holds your interest till the very end. Amazing how Tracey Bateman can spin together a vampire story, a sobriety story and bring it together with some God.

  3. This was a terrific book. A quick read and holds your interest till the very end. Amazing how Tracey Bateman can spin together a vampire story, a sobriety story and bring it together with some God.
