
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Book Review: The Oak Inside the Acorn

The Oak Inside the Acorn. By Max Lucado. Illustrated by George Angelini. 2006. Thomas Nelson Pub. 48 pages. [Christian Picture Book]

The acorn looked at the world around him.

If you like parables, there's a chance you'll enjoy this one. I tend to be more of a skeptic. At times. Things like talking acorns who can see and feel and be scared and worried and all, well, they annoy me more than charm me. I know some people get annoyed by children's books with talking animals, well, I can finally see their point in a way. (Not that this one has animals.) Yes, this is a parable. But even so it feels a bit forced, a bit contrived. A bit too much.

What is this one about? Well, it's about an acorn. When we first meet this acorn he is still attached to his Mama Oak. And he is NOT wanting to leave his mother. She keeps telling him that acorns don't stay acorns. That change is a part of life. That one day (sooner than later) it'll be time for him to leave her, to leave the tree. She tells him (over and over and over) again "Within you is a great oak, Little Acorn. Just be the tree God made you to be." He takes that message with him his whole life as he grows from Little Acorn to Little Oak to Big Oak.

What is Little Acorn's purpose? Well, besides the obvious growing-into-an-oak tree tall and wide? Well, to be a part of the bigger picture, to be a part of a family. He grows to see a little girl grow from child to womanhood.

Maybe you'll like this one. More than I did at any rate.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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