
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Book Review: Story of Christmas

Story of Christmas. Vivian French. Illustrated by Jane Chapman. 2010. Candlewick. 22 pages.
A long time ago God called for the angel Gabriel. God told Gabriel to go to the city of Nazareth and find a young woman called Mary. At first Mary was frightened, but Gabriel told her not to be afraid. "God sent me," he said. "God has chosen you to be the mother of His baby. His name will be Jesus." Mary smiled. "I'm happy to do whatever God wants," she said.
I really liked this one. It's a simple retelling of the Christmas story for little ones. But just because it's 'simple' doesn't mean it's not rich in detail! You get the whole story--most of it at any rate. Readers don't meet Elizabeth, Mary's cousin, the mother of John the Baptist. Also readers are not introduced to King Herod. Vivian French does a nice job of weaving together the narratives from Matthew and Luke.

I would definitely recommend this one!

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading Candlewick's The First Christmas and it's very cute. It has interactive pages. I'm loving sharing it with my daughter.

    I've updated the CHF Reading Challenge post and finally moved over the linkies if you want to link up your reviews for others to see. I know I'm behind. I'm sorry. :)
    2010 Christian Historical Fiction Reading Challenge
