
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let's Talk More...

So, I am tentatively planning my first read-a-thon. (Still the how-much-of-the-new-testament-can-you-read-in-48-hours-readathon in my head.) I may have found two people to join me. (More are always, always welcome to join in!) I want it to be during Lent. Which means there is this weekend--very, very short notice! (March 18-20). Or April 15 - 17. Or April 22-24, the last being the weekend of Easter itself. Which of these work best for you? 

Now, you may have noticed that I'm choosing three days for a 48 hour readathon. It's not that I can't do math. It's that I like giving people flexibility on when their 48 hour begins. So you could choose Friday/Saturday. Or Saturday/Sunday. You could start in the morning or afternoon or evening.

The rules, if there were to be rules, would be something like this:

Any translation of the New Testament is fine to use.
You may switch translations throughout the 48 hours if you want.
You may read the books in ANY order. You don't have to read Matthew through Revelation.
You may reread books if you want to take some time to meditate on one of the books.
You may listen to the New Testament in audio form.
You may use online Bibles or e-Bibles.
You may blog about your progress if you'd like.
You do NOT have to blog about your progress though.
You can recruit friends and family to join you.
God's word is treasure enough, so there will be no prizes for participating/completing. But I would ask you to consider giving away a Bible or New Testament, or making a donation to a worthy cause like the American Bible Society, or the Wycliffe Bible Translators. (Mardel has a "Beautiful Everyday" Bible you can buy which they'll donate to a local pregnancy resource center.) I'm sure there are other ways as well to help spread the Word of God.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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