Well, yesterday I wrote reviews to the third and fourth books In the Grandma's Attic books. And I mentioned how there were missing stories that I could not account for. The original stories included in the first book:
Pride Goes Before a Fall
When God Knew Best
The Red Bonnet
Grandpa's Apron
Ma's Busy Day
Grandma's Mistake
The Button Basket
The Little Gray Shoes
Nellie and the Buttons
The Pearl Buttons
Nellie's Trips to Town
The New Pump
You Can't Always Believe
The Old Door
Pa and the Dishwater
The Dishes
Ma's Birthday Cake
Grandma's Warm Clothes
Grandma's Prayer
Molly Blue
Grandma and the Gun
What Grandma Lost
What Did You Expect?
The newly published edition excludes Grandpa's Apron and What Did You Expect. And, of course, they are also missing the lovely interior illustrations by Dora Leder.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
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