
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's On Your Nightstand (October)

What's On Your Nightstand is hosted by 5 Minutes for Books. Here's what I'm currently reading:

Going Deep by Gordon MacDonald. This is the second "fictional" book set in a New England community that features the author and his wife as characters. The first "novel" was Who Stole My Church. Going Deep is annoying me more than the first book. I'm not sure if it's me or the book...reading is subjective after all. But it has a me, me, me, I love myself feel to it. A few too many conversations with people in the book praising him for being so absolutely wonderful.  It's not quite what I was expecting either--based on the description of the book. I thought it would be a book about how God calls each and every one of us to grow and abide in Him. Calls us to discipleship. Calls us to walk and walk and walk and walk in faith, in relationship. Instead it's ALL about training people for leadership positions in the church. It seems the focus is slightly off--grow deep in Christ so that you can be a leader instead of grow deep in Christ because that is what he's saved us for, that is what he wants for us--a deep, ongoing relationship.

10 Lies About God And How You May Already Be Deceived by Erwin Lutzer. I read and LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book about a decade ago. I just wish it was still in print. Here's the book description:
The clearer we see God, the clearer we shall see ourselves. With this conviction firmly in mind, Dr. Erwin Lutzer examines ten lies about our Maker that have crept into spiritual thought in postmodern times. And he notes that these deceits are prominent not only in non-Christian minds but in the professing church as well.
On the surface, each of these lies may appear at least partially true or even harmless. But, as Dr. Lutzer reveals, each harbors a distinct danger: It isn't biblical, so it puts our faith at risk. In Ten Lies About God he challenges the accuracy of these beliefs:
Lie 1: God is whatever we want him to be.
Lie 2: Many paths lead into God's presence.
Lie 3: God is more tolerant than He used to be.
Lie 4: God has personally never suffered.
Lie 5: God is obligated to save followers of other religions.
Lie 6: God takes no responsibility for natural disasters.
Lie 7: God does not know our decisions before we make them.
Lie 8: The Fall ruined God's plan.
Lie 9: We must choose between God's pleasures and our own.
Lie 10: God helps those who help themselves.
The goal of Dr. Lutzer's study is not only purity of spiritual belief, but an enhanced worship of God.
I am working to finish the New Testament in the Holman Christian Standard Bible. I lack Mark, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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