
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Bible-Reading Reflections

In 2011:

  • I read the Old Testament five times! 
  • The translations I read completely--both OT and NT--were: NASB, HCSB, KJV.
  • I read the New Testament ten times!
  • I completed the NT in these translations: NASB, HCSB, KJV, KJ21, ESV, REB, NEB, ASV.
  • The gospel I read most was John--14!
  • The NT epistle(s) I read most were: Philippians (18), Ephesians (17), Galatians and Colossians (16), Romans, 1 and 2 Peter (15). 
  • The OT books I read most were: Ruth (9), Genesis, Isaiah, Jonah (8).
  • April 2011 was my best month for Bible reading, apparently, with 92 books read!
  • May (86), March (80), November (73), and July (65) were also good months.
  • The translations I read most were: KJV (24%) NASB (15%) HCSB (15%) ESV (13%) REB (10%) ASV (9%), KJ21 (7%), NEB (7%). 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible


  1. Wow, how did you keep track of everything? Are you using some kind or program or something?? It's so inspiring to me what you've read, and it also shows me that it's possible!

  2. Lenny, I used a spreadsheet to keep track of everything.
