Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus. Kyle Idleman. 2011. Zondervan. 224 pages.
Are you a follower of Jesus?
I would say the chances are pretty good that you just skipped over that question. You may have read it, but I doubt it carried much weight or had any real impact. But would you let me ask you this question again? It's the most important question you will ever answer.
Are you a follower of Jesus?
Kyle Idleman urges believers to be followers of Jesus Christ, not just fans of Jesus. Most of the book is spent defining and illustrating the differences between those who are fans and those who are followers. Fans follow on their terms. Followers follow on Christ's terms. They're willing to put Christ first, and give Christ all. They're willing to deny themselves and carry a cross daily. Fans follow when it's convenient to them, they follow for the benefits it might bring them. But when it comes to the hard sayings of Jesus, when it comes down to some of the harder teachings, the ones that make you squirm, the ones that you wish you didn't really understand because you don't want to have to live by them, they turn away, they don't listen or obey. Fans follow superficially. Followers are committed no matter what.
Not a Fan was very readable. Idleman's style is very reader-friendly. As a narrator, he is easy to relate to. He can make you smile with some of his illustrations. But he wins you over, wins your respect, with his biblical illustrations. He uses the Bible to illustrate his points time and time again. The focus on the Bible, the focus on what Jesus' teaching, makes this one a must-read. While it is readable, while it is entertaining, it is also thought-provoking. This book asks you to decide for yourself. It challenges you to reflect on your own life, to reflect about what it is you truly believe, what you truly love, what you truly need to have Jesus be Lord of your life.
I would definitely recommend this one. You don't have to be a scholar or a pastor. This book is for everyone.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
This was one of my top reads for 2011. Glad you enjoyed it.