
Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 2012 Goals

So I've decided what February's goals are going to be! I am taking a break from Professor Horner's Bible Reading System--the system or plan I followed all January long--and I am going to try John MacArthur's plan for reading the New Testament. I am going to be reading the NT epistle, 1 JOHN, 30 to 31 times in February!!! So far I've been reading it in the New King James every day, but I also plan to add in other translations and other readings in study bibles as the month progresses! I also plan to focus on some of John's other writings this month. Though I will NOT be aiming to match the number of times I read 1 John! I hope to read John and Revelation each week. I'll also probably include 2 John and 3 John a couple of times apiece. But they are not my focus, and they are not where I find the most inspiration.

The Bibles I'll be reading from this month include The Soul Care Bible, New King James. To be honest, I'm not reading the helps in it so much as I'm enjoying the font and layout of it. All the blue is just so soothing. And there is just something so happy-making about the font of this one. I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fact that it is not red-letter. (Words of Christ in red). One goal I have--besides reading 1 John in this one every day--is to read Psalms and Proverbs in this translation. 

The second Bible I'll be reading from is the ESV Student Study Bible published by Crossway. For the past year, I've focused so exclusively on text-only Bibles that I've forgotten how to 'read' or 'study' from a study Bible. And I do LOVE reading text-only Bibles. There is something so satisfying about reading the Bible and only the Bible. They are lighter to hold, and the reading seems to go by quicker. But. I've forgotten how to read things slowly, how to absorb things, how to meditate, how to think about things long enough to ask questions and try to find the answers. A little balance wouldn't be a bad thing. So I'll be trying to read from this Bible--reading the NOTES. My goal is to read the gospel of John, Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1 John from this study Bible this month.
These are the books I've chosen for my Operation Deepen Faith challenge.

I don't know that I have any set goals of how many books per Bible, per translation I'm aiming for this month.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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