Kisses From Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption. Katie Davis. 2011. October 2011. Howard Books. 288 pages.
Dare I say it? This is one of the best, best, best, best books I've ever
read, at least in its genre. While Kisses From Katie may not be a
theological book, a book about doctrines that unite and/or divide, a
book strictly about the gospel--what it is, what it isn't--it is a book
that celebrates and illustrates the gospel. It is a book that celebrates
and honors Jesus Christ. Kisses From Katie is a memoir or a biography, I
suppose. It tells the story of a young woman, a young teen when the
book first begins, who felt led by God to go on a mission trip. After
spending three weeks or so in Uganda, she wasn't content to let that be
enough. She wanted more, needed more. As crazy as it probably sounded to
everyone in her life, she fell in love with a country, with a people.
She felt sure, felt convicted, felt blessed, to make Uganda hers. At
first, perhaps to please her parents, please her boyfriend, she
committed to one year, just one year, of serving in Uganda. Of living
and loving a community, of working as a teacher, of working with orphans
and other children who needed her, who welcomed her. But within months,
she had a new family. Literally. For she felt called to adopt, what
began with one or two or three within the course of a year or two became
fourteen. But her welcome, her care, her love and support, didn't just
stay small. It grew and grew and grew and grew. She started a non-profit
organization, started widening her ministry. A ministry that kept Jesus
at its center, but a very, very practical ministry as well. One that
saw to feeding and clothing and providing medical care and attention,
one that met every need possible. The book is about her life. In a way, a
small way, I suppose you could argue it was about her beliefs as well.
But. I would say that it was more about how her beliefs led her to live
the life she lives. How her beliefs have defined and shaped her. What's
the difference? Well, a person can argue or reason doctrine; a person
can state a creed, recite a creed. Not every person who does so actually
lives out that doctrine on a day-to-day basis. In a way that marks
them, in a way that clearly, undeniably speaks of Christ. Not that Katie
ever claimed to be the most perfect person in the world, she doesn't
ever make the claim that she's better than anyone else. I didn't get the
impression even once that she was showing off or boasting about her
good works. What I got from the book was love, love, love, this is all
about love. It was inspiring, challenging, encouraging, convicting all
at the same time.
I would encourage everyone to read this one!!! It was just WONDERFUL. I think I will definitely want to read and reread this one because I think it is so good!
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
I just finished it and totally agree with your review. Wonderful!