
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Introducing My Year With Spurgeon

One of my goals for 2013 is to spend a lot of time reading Charles Spurgeon. Part of my reading includes reading his Morning and Evening devotions. Although a large part of it involves reading a LOT of sermons! I plan on sharing my journey with you regularly through posts.

I thought I would begin with sharing this lovely quote from the evening, January 1 devotion. It's accompanying verse is Song of Solomon 1:4: We will be glad and rejoice in thee.
What heavens are laid up in Jesus! What rivers of infinite bliss have their source, ay, and every drop of their fulness in Him! Since, O sweet Lord Jesus, Thou art the present portion of Thy people, favour us this year with such a sense of Thy preciousness, that from its first to its last day we may be glad and rejoice in Thee. Let January open with joy in the Lord, and December close with gladness in Jesus. ~ Charles Spurgeon, Evening, January 1    
John Piper on how Christ should be precious to us:
In all the universe none is more precious to God the Father than His Son, Jesus Christ. That is how precious he should be to us. (John Piper, Pierced by the Word, 60)
Other verses on rejoicing:
  • Philippians 4:4
  • Psalms 5:11
  • Psalms 13:5
  • Psalms 32:11
  • Psalms 40:16
  • Psalms 90:14
Another quote I'd like to share comes from JANUARY 2, if you have a few minutes, you really should read the devotion in its entirety. Here is the portion, I'd like to share with you:
 If He has said much about prayer, it is because He knows we have much need of it. So deep are our necessities, that until we are in heaven we must not cease to pray. Dost thou want nothing? Then, I fear thou dost not know thy poverty. Hast thou no mercy to ask of God? Then, may the Lord's mercy show thee thy misery! A prayerless soul is a Christless soul. Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus. It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honour of a Christian. If thou be a child of God, thou wilt seek thy Father's face, and live in thy Father's love. Pray that this year thou mayst be holy, humble, zealous, and patient; have closer communion with Christ, and enter oftener into the banqueting-house of His love. Pray that thou mayst be an example and a blessing unto others, and that thou mayst live more to the glory of thy Master. The motto for this year must be, "Continue in prayer." ~ Charles Spurgeon, Morning, January 2
Verses on prayer:
  • Colossians 4:2
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  • James 5:16
  • Ephesians 6:18
  • Philippians 4:6
  • Matthew 21:22
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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