
Monday, February 4, 2013

Book Review: The Beatles, God, & The Bible (2012)

The Beatles, God, & The Bible. Ray Comfort. 2012. WND Books. 180 pages.

I definitely enjoyed reading Ray Comfort's newest book. The book is both a biographical overview of the Beatles AND a gospel presentation. The message of this one is simple: talent, fame, and ego don't matter a bit, won't matter at all on judgment day. Every person needs--desperately NEEDS a Savior. John Lennon (and the other Beatles) were/are no different. What makes this book interesting and unique is that it gathers together quotes from all four members--quotes through the decades--about God, Jesus Christ, Christianity, religion, spirituality, afterlife (heaven/hell), etc. So as Comfort is providing readers with an overview of their lives, he's incorporating various quotes reflecting their positions on spirituality and God. I've read plenty of biographies on the Beatles, but this is the first that is examining this aspect of their lives in such detail.

Several chapters focus on the murder of John Lennon and provide information on his murderer. Comfort notes how Lennon's murderer allegedly was a "born again" Christian. Comfort pointing out that people may think they're saved, but still be lost. He discusses the gospel in great detail. Not the easy gospel, but the whole gospel starting with the law and man's great need for a Savior. If you're familiar with Comfort's evangelism efforts, you know just what to expect.

The chapter titles:

  • The Beatles: A Mini History
  • John Lennon and God
  • John's Faith
  • Creation, Sam, and Lennon
  • The Sins of John Lennon
  • The Murder of John Lennon
  • John's Dilemma
  • John's Bad Rap
  • John Lennon's Murderer
  • Murderer and Christian
  • The Tale of Sir Paul
  • Paul McCartney and God
  • George's Story
  • George Harrison and His "Sweet Lord"
  • The Legendary Ringo Starr

An atheist once said that John Lennon's famous song "Imagine" is an "anthem for atheism." But think about it for a moment. If I said, "Imagine there's no New York, it's easy if you try," I'm saying that New York is a real place, but let's imagine (or pretend) that it isn't. So the song is actually acknowledging the existence of Heaven and Hell as real places.  The realities of Heaven or Hell don't disappear just because we imagine they don't exist. (206)
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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