Some years ago an engineer on the Rock Island Railroad was converted in the Moody Church in Chicago. Not long after this, one of the well-instructed members of the church, John Morrison, was crossing the Rock Island Railroad tracks in the south part of Chicago and this engineer came down the track on a switch engine. He saw John about to cross the track and slowed down the engine and said, "John, don't you want to take a ride?"© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
John replied, "Yes," and climbed up into the cab with the engineer.
They had not gone very far when Mr. Morrison began to draw the young convert out. After the young convert talked for some time, Mr. Morrison said quietly to him, "You have a different religion from mine."
"What, John," he said, "a different religion from yours? I thought we had the same religion."
"No," Mr. Morrison replied, "you have a different religion from mine. You have a religion of two letters. I have a religion of four letters."
"What do you mean, John?" The man asked.
John replied, "Your religion is D-O, DO. You are all the time talking about what you do. My religion is D-O-N-E, DONE. I am trusting in what Jesus Christ did when He bore my sins in His own body on the Cross." (168)
Monday, June 10, 2013
Which religion? D-O or D-O-N-E?
From R.A. Torrey's message "The Baptism With the Holy Spirit: How to Obtain It"
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