A few months ago, I watched The Biggest Question. I thought it was a great resource, and I've watched it three or four times now! Just recently I watched On the Shoulders of Giants: What The Reformers Would Say To Us Today. The Biggest Question is a GREAT presentation of the whole gospel: the law and the gospel of grace. On the Shoulders of Giants is great at practical theology. On the one hand, it is all about the history of the reformation. Todd Friel takes us on a journey through the Reformation; it is FULL of quotes. It is rich theologically. On the other hand, the whole point of learning about the reformers is to show how RELEVANT and necessary doctrine is and always will be. Friel will mention current issues facing the church, facing believers, and then will answer back with history.
I absolutely LOVED the richness of the quotes. I did. I love reading old theologians. And they quoted some of my absolute favorites. They quoted Spurgeon a great deal!!! Since I'm doing My Year With Spurgeon, this just made me giddy! I heard some names I wasn't familiar with, so I'll be trying to seek them out now. I really appreciated this aspect of the video. Far from being boring, I found it insightful!
I liked the evangelical aspects as well. It includes examples of witnessing to small groups, witnessing one-on-one, and open-air preaching.
I would definitely recommend this!
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
sounds like another to be added to my list! I appreaciate a good theological book but find it hard to sum up most for a review. Putting my thoughts and perspectives down in words just doesn't come easy. Thank you for this one.