
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Goals for the Rest of the Year

I have not been sharing my goals month-by-month the past few months. This is not because I have stopped having my own goals. More of not being able to put into words in a timely manner my goals for any given month! Since my current goals are big goals that are not quite manageable in any one month, I thought I would just share my goals for the remaining months of the year: October, November, and December!

One of my goals is to use the NASB translation of the Bible to do the Bible in 90 Days program. Because one of the requirements of 'officially' joining the challenge is to use the NIV translation, I am unofficially involved, of course! Carrie's Heart Bible in 90 Days started September 16. I started that date as well. I had printed out a schedule for the 90 day program several years ago, and I am loosely following that. But I am also working at my own pace which currently means I am ahead of schedule. The program, for better or worse, reads the Bible Genesis through Revelation, no skipping around. I do love the Old Testament, but I cannot live on the Old I'll be supplementing my 90 day program with additional New Testament readings! In September, my goal was to carry on the good work of August and FINISH the New Testament in the HCSB translation. I'm not sure exactly which translations I'll be reading in October, November, and December. But possibilities, of course, include: RSV (Revised Standard Version), NKJV (New King James Version), and ESV (English Standard Version).

Another goal is to read and review the Gospel Transformation Bible, ESV. This is a new Bible that Crossway is publishing, and I'm very excited! I should be writing a 'review' at some point in October. Bibles review differently than other books. I have a way I approach reading Bibles for review. I try to read one book of Law (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, or Deuteronomy); I try to read one or two history books; I try to read Psalms and/or Proverbs. I try to read a major prophet and a couple of minor prophets. If there is not a deadline, I like to aim for the whole New Testament! If there is a deadline, well, I try to read one gospel at least, perhaps the book of Acts, and at least three or four letters. It is also essential, to me, to read Revelation! Therefore my goals for the rest of the year include reading twelve to eighteen books of the Bible from the Gospel Transformation Bible.

I am also considering rereading One Perfect Life. I am even considering hosting a readalong if I can get enough interest!!! If you are interested in reading this with me, let me know in the comments. I'm not sure on the timing just yet. It may be an Advent through Lent project. It might be an Advent only or Lent only project.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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