
Monday, November 11, 2013

Book Review: Living For God's Glory

Living for God's Glory. Joel R. Beeke. 2008. Reformation Trust. 414 pages. [Source: Borrowed From Friend]

Living for God's Glory is a great read. It was very informative and well organized. It also seemed very comprehensive. There was so much examined and explored within it. Much more than an exploration of TULIP and the five solas. For example, it includes centuries worth of church history.

Some chapters I really loved, loved, loved. Some chapters I learned from. When it was good, it was excellent. However, I must admit that some of the chapters were skim-worthy. The interest level just wasn't there for me. And some chapters I felt lacked a bit of relevancy--containing information that was good to know but not quite *essential* to know.

What I loved best was the writing. The BEST section of the entire book was "Calvinism in the Mind." The chapters include: "The Marrow of Calvinism," "Total Depravity," "Unconditional Election, "The Extent of the Atonement," "Definite Atonement," Irresistible Grace and Effectual Calling," "Perseverance and Assurance," "Scripture, Grace, Faith, Christ, and Glory" and "Philosophical Calvinism." These chapters--perhaps with the exception of Philosophical Calvinism--were absolutely AMAZING.

Other chapters I enjoyed include "Calvin's God-Exalting Piety," "Sanctification in Puritan Thought," "Sanctification in Puritan Practice," "The Origins of Calvinism," "Calvin's Evangelism," "Puritan Evangelism," and "Confessing The Faith."

This book would be a great textbook perhaps!

"There is nothing upon which men need to be more instructed than upon the question of what Calvinism REALLY is," Charles H. Spurgeon once said. (38)
God's sovereignty is the marrow of doctrinal Calvinism. (40)
"It is a holy will that rules the universe--a will in which loving-kindness is locked up, to be in due time displayed. It is a solemn thing that we and all creatures are at the disposal of pure will; but it is not merely free will, it is the free will of the sovereign Lord Jehovah, and therein it is distinguished from the abstractness and apparent arbitrariness of mere will." ~ John Duncan (40)
The sovereign grace and love that went to Calvary has the whole world in its hands. God's fatherly sovereignty in Christ is the essence of who God is. (40)
Calvinists are people whose theology is dominated by the idea of God. (40)
To be Reformed is to stress the comprehensive, sovereign, fatherly lordship of God over everything: every area of creation, every creature's endeavors, and every aspect of the believer's life. (41)
So Calvinists define all doctrine in a God-centered way. Sin is horrible because it is an affront to God. Salvation is wonderful because it brings glory to God. Heaven is glorious because it is the place where God is all in all... As Calvinists we are enamored with God. We are overwhelmed by His majesty, His beauty, His holiness, and His grace. We seek His glory, desire His presence, and model our lives after Him. (42)
"A Christian has been selected to live; to live essentially in Christ, to live effectively for Christ, and to live eternally with Christ." ~ John Blanchard (69)

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