
Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Bible Reading

I read the Bible three times in 2013. While I read in many translations, I believe the three translations I read most were: ESV, KJV, and NASB. I had a few 30 day projects this year: I read 1 Corinthians for 30 days; I read Colossians for 30 days; I read Ephesians for 30 days; I read Romans for 30 days; I read Psalm 119 for 30 days; I read Psalm 139 for 30 days. I unofficially participated in a Bible-in-90 days event, unofficial because I was using the NASB instead of the NIV. I also completed the Bible before the official 90 days was up. September 16 - November 4. If you've never saturated yourself in the Word this intensely--you really should give it a try. I can't do it justice.

In November, I hosted a "Give Thanks" reading of Psalms. In December, I hosted a read-a-long of the gospel of Luke.

I kept track of my reading weekly and quarterly. I used the quarterly records to total my year records.

I read the Old Testament through three times. Some books were read more than others. The Old Testament books I read most:

  • Psalms (15)
  • Proverbs (10)
  • Ruth (9)
  • Genesis (8)

I would definitely say I became addicted to Psalms this past year!!!

The least read OT books: 2 Kings, Nehemiah, Esther, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah.

I read the New Testament through eleven times. Some books were read more than others.

The gospels:

  • John (19)
  • Luke (17)
  • Matthew (15)
  • Mark (15)
Totaling the gospels together equals 66 which means I averaged at least one gospel per week!

Every other NT book:

  • Colossians (46)
  • Romans (43)
  • Ephesians (42)
  • 1 Corinthians (38)
  • Revelation (27)
The least read books of the NT: Titus and Philemon. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful for you too. You are a blessing, can't remember when we first became friends but I treasure you.
    I need to get busy with a wrap up post as well.
