If you joined me in reading Psalms in the month of November, I'd love to hear about your experience!
Did you read the thirty selected psalms? 1, 19, 23, 25, 27, 32, 34, 37, 42, 46, 47, 51, 57, 63, 66, 71, 84, 91, 95, 98, 100, 103, 107, 119, 121, 130, 138, 139, 145, 148.
OR. Did you read the whole book of Psalms?
OR. Did you read the whole book of Psalms?
Did you learn anything about God? Did it change your perspective? Did you learn anything about yourself?
What were some of your favorite Psalms?
Let us strive, every year we live, to become more deeply acquainted with Scripture. Let us study it, search into it, dig into it, meditate on it, until it dwell in us richly. (Colossians 3:16.) In particular, let us labor to make ourselves familiar with those parts of the Bible which, like the book of Psalms, describe the experience of the saints of old. We shall find it most helpful to us in all our approaches to God. It will supply us with the best and most suitable language both for the expression of our needs and thanksgivings. Such knowledge of the Bible can doubtless never be attained without regular, daily study. But the time spent on such study is never misspent. It will bear fruit after many days. ~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Luke
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
I read the WHOLE thing! It was great. I had never read it through before. There are many scriptures in Psalms that point to Christ! It was a great experience! Thank you for motivating me to do it!