
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Book Review: The Underestimated Gospel

The Underestimated Gospel, edited by Jonathan Leeman. 2014. B&H Publishing. 224 pages. [Source: Review copy]

The Underestimated Gospel is a collection of sermons from the Together for the Gospel (T4G) 2012 conference. The theme was "The Underestimated Gospel." The book features contributions from R. Albert Mohler Jr, Thabiti Anyabwile, David Platt, Kevin DeYoung, Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, Matt Chandler, John Piper, and J. Ligon Duncan III. The book also features eight testimonies.

The book is divided into four sections highlighting the power of the gospel, power for the church, power for the pastor, and the power of God.

The sermons:

  • The Power of the Articulated Gospel by R. Albert Mohler Jr. (watch)
  • Can Your Gospel Transform a Terrorist? by Thabiti Anyabwile (watch)
  • Divine Sovereignty: The Fuel of Death-Defying Missions by David Platt (watch)
  • Spirit-Powered, Gospel-Driven, Faith-Fueled Effort by Kevin DeYoung (watch)
  • False Conversions: The Suicide of the Church by Mark Dever (watch)
  • When a Pastor Loses Heart by C.J. Mahaney (watch)
  • Hope and Fulfillment of the Gospel by Matt Chandler (watch)
  • Glory, Majesty, Dominion, and Authority Keep Us Safe for Everlasting Joy by John Piper (watch)
  • The Underestimated God by J. Ligon Duncan III (watch)

The testimonies:

  • Mezz McConnell
  • Hezekiah Harshit Singh
  • Matthias Lohmann
  • John Joseph
  • William "Trip Lee" Barefield III
  • Sonia Jenkins
  • George Paz
  • John Folmar

Together the sermons and testimonies celebrate the gospel, and celebrate our gracious God!!! I enjoyed reading this sermon collection.

Favorite quotes:
Christian, feel the weight and wonder of this. God purposed to save you. Christ purposed to purchase you. Amidst your weakness, amidst your struggles, amidst your suffering, amidst trying moments in your family, amidst conflicts in the church, and amidst days that you want to quit, don't forget this: Before the sun was ever formed, before a star was ever placed in the sky, before mountains were ever laid upon the earth, before oceans were ever poured upon the land, Almighty God set his sights on your soul. And he sent his Son, according to the purpose of his sovereign will, to purchase you for him. That's a graciously particular atonement. (David Platt, 70)
Our preaching will be greatly helped if we remember to preach not just the content but the mood of the text. You cannot assume that everyone in your church needs a kick in the pants or that everyone in your church needs a hug. You have to preach the text. Let the sweet texts sing sweetly and let the stern warnings sound stern. You have to pray for the Spirit to work and give each person just what they need. Give them grace every week, without fail, without exception. But make sure it is the grace that saves a wretch like me and the grace that leads us home. (Kevin DeYoung, 106)
If we deny or just ignore God's role as judge of this world, then people will follow their own evil desires. And it is comparatively easy to fill a church by ignoring this truth, drawing people instead with one reason or another. But beware this temptation. Avoiding the doctrine of hell is one step away from denying it all together. (Mark Dever, 120)

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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