I would definitely consider myself a fan of A.W. Tozer. I've read dozens of his books at this point. But there are still so many books I haven't read yet. The Best of A.W. Tozer is a compilation of his 'best' work by Warren Wiersbe. It begins with an introduction by Wiersbe that shares with readers WHY they should read Tozer, and, what makes him special. He says it well, I must admit.
The book is composed of excerpts, chapters, from Tozer's books. It includes three chapters from The Pursuit of God. It includes seven chapters from Born After Midnight. It includes nine chapters from God Tells the Man Who Cares. It includes six chapters from That Incredible Christian. It includes six chapters from The Root of the Righteous. It includes seven chapters from Of God and Men. It includes nine chapters from Man: The Dwelling Place of God. It includes one chapter from How To Be Filled With the Holy Spirit. It includes one chapter from Worship: The Missing Jewel of the Evangelical Church. It includes one chapter from Who Put Jesus on the Cross. It includes one chapter from Paths to Power. It includes one chapter from Let My People Go.
If you're looking for a broad introduction to Tozer, two resources come to mind. One is the Pursuit of God, NIV Tozer Bible. This Bible features TONS of Tozer quotes. Some long. Some short. The other is this book which features entire chapters from a handful of Tozer books. The chapters were chosen with a mind to give variety: cover a WIDE range of topics on the Christian life.
If you're looking for a narrower introduction to Tozer, the best resources would probably be either THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY or THE ROOT OF THE RIGHTEOUS. Those two books are probably my favorites. I've read each book multiple times.
From the introduction:
He was not afraid to tell us what was wrong. Nor was he hesitant to tell us how God could make it right. ~ Warren Wiersbe speaking of A.W. Tozer
He begs us to please God and forget the crowd. He implores us to worship God that we might become more like Him. How desperately we need that message today! ~ Warren Wiersbe
He so excites you about truth that you forget Tozer and reach for your Bible. ~ Warren WiersbeI would quote from the book. But. I think I would end up WANTING to quote something from each and every chapter. That's not realistic. Just know that this book is GOOD.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
Thanks for this review, Becky. I am reading "Knowing God" by Tozer now. I will definitely look into this book.