
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Book Review: Experiencing the Trinity

Experiencing the Trinity: The Grace of God for the People of God. Joe Thorn. 2015. Crossway. 144 pages. [Source: Library]

I've been meaning to reread Joe Thorn's Experiencing the Trinity for quite a while now, probably since first reviewing it last March. Since I'm celebrating the gospel and preaching it to myself each day this month, I thought I would reread this gem of a book and review it (again). 

Joe Thorn is an author you should know. Trust me. I've read Note to Self and Experiencing the Trinity. Both are definite 'must-reads.' Both are written directly to readers. Both are pastoral care, in my opinion, speaking truth that you need to know, truth that you need to live by. And yet even though the books could easily in the hands of another author be a bit condescending perhaps, yet, with Thorn that is not the case at all. It's a very honest, very vulnerable glimpse into his own heart and into our own hearts as well. We stand together in this--in our needs, in our weaknesses. 

The book is fifty devotionals celebrating the trinity. The first part focuses on God the Father. The second part focuses on God the Son. The Third part focuses on God the Holy Spirit.

From the introduction: 
It was Scripture that drew me back to the hope, peace and safety I have in Jesus. And that is what this book is really about: how the Word of God draws us to the living God. In knowing him we find peace, joy, strength, and faith… Preaching God's Word to yourself is not necessarily a quick fix for your sorrows and suffering. At times God will delay granting you relief in order to draw you closer to himself. (17)

From chapter one:
The less you are gripped with God's holiness, the less awe you will experience in your faith. A truer sight of his holiness will give you a truer sight of your corruptions. And it is only as you see both of these realities that you will find his mercy extended toward you in Jesus Christ to be soul-satisfying and worship-inspiring. Awe of God proceeds from knowing and experiencing his holiness--his otherness. (24)

From chapter two:
To say God is Creator is to say he is the one in whom you find your identity and purpose. Your God has not only created the world, but he has also created you. You exist because God chose to make you. And when he made you, he made you for himself. Meditate on this. You were made for your Maker's pleasure. You are here for the sake of Another. And this doesn't diminish your purpose or value in life. In fact, it heightens it. (26)

From chapter four:
You are never really alone, but unless you are seeking communion with the Lord who is there, you will feel alone. You will carry the burden. And in doing so you will remain afraid and collapse under the weight of your afflictions. (32)

From chapter seventeen:
You love the idea that Jesus is the friend of sinners. You should; this is your only hope as a sinner. His grace has appeared to set the condemned free, to rescue the enslaved. You truly are saved by grace. (63)

From chapter twenty-two:
There is no safer place than where Jesus is or has been. He has gone before you, and in fact faced much worse, and his example is one of silent submission. He voiced no selfish complaint or felt any need to justify himself. He would suffer, but God would make it right. He would die, but the Lord was bringing  about a glorious deliverance--not only for the Son, but also for his people. Your suffering is real, but those who trust the Lord will find life even in the midst of death. (77)

From chapter forty-one:
It's one thing to affirm that the Scripture is the Word of God, perfect and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice. But it's another thing to know that you can read it, understand it, and receive it, not only because it is clear, but also because the Spirit was given to teach you. (121)

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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