
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Celebrating Mom By Interviewing Her!

1. Why do you think it is important to read the Bible?

The Bible is the Word of God. It is the means by which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit speak to Christians today. I'm not saying that God is limited in how he speaks, but that what He says or impresses on me will not be in contradiction to His Written Word. It is important to read the Bible in its entirety and in context. When one starts pulling verses out of context to win arguments, they can certainly distort the true meaning. As my Grandma Peterman used to say, "You can make the Bible say almost anything with enough dot, dot, dots."

2. Do you read the Bible? Did you read the Bible then? When did you "become engaged" in reading the Bible?

I read the Bible daily--usually with cups of coffee before I start my day. I read both devotionally and systematically. I keep track of what I read and study so that my reading stays in balance.

When my children were small I tried my best to spend time in God's Word daily. Sometimes it was challenging. I did not give into legalism by thinking that God's love and grace for me was dependent upon following a certain plan, discipline, or rule. To balance that I also knew that it was important to make God and his Word a priority.

I started taking daily Bible reading more seriously during my sophomore year in high school. Before that my study was more sporadic.

3. How do you see the bible? How would you describe it? What role does it have in your life?

I see the Bible as the Word of God. I feel that the Bible is a true blessed gift from God Himself and I strive to cherish it, read it, and meditate on it daily. It is my source of strength and guidance.

4. Do you see the Bible as teaching right and wrong?

The Bible definitely teaches right from wrong, but it is so much more than rigid rules. It is a book that reveals God's amazing love and forgiveness towards his children.

5. Have you taught Sunday School? Which ages? Which age group is most receptive? most argumentative? most distracted?

I have taught Sunday School at different times in my life. I have taught preschoolers, early elementary, upper elementary, and adults. I have not taught middle school or high school. I have seen good reception in all ages. Ditto for argumentative and distracted. I think that Sunday School should definitely be led for children. Adults can go either way depending on their ability to stay focused. I have seen adults that only wanted to argue. But if you have a group of students that are seriously seeking God, shared discussion can be beneficial.

6. Did your parents read the Bible with you or to you as a child?

My parents did not necessarily make a point of reading the Bible with me as a child.

7. Do you remember seeing your parents read the Bible? Who else in your life did you see reading the Bible? What did you learn from your parents, grandparents, and others? Anything specifically that you wanted to pass down specifically to your children?

I do remember seeing both Mama and Daddy reading the Bible. I also saw my Grandma Peterman reading the Bible. I also saw older church members reading the Bible.

I learned to read the Bible for answers, enjoyment, and guidance from my Mama and Grandma.

I chose to pass down to my children the importance of reading God's Word daily.

8. Was faith openly discussed in your home? What "faith" activities were part of your growing up--either formally or informally?

Faith was not preached to me as a child. It was more presented by example. My parents were usually open to my questions about the Bible and faith. We were allowed to participate in church and Sunday School but not forced.

9. Why did you choose to read the Bible to your children? Do you see it as being a deliberate choice? Was it purposeful? Did you have a plan? What were some of the obstacles along the way? Did anything intimidate you?

I chose to read the Bible to my children so that I might share my faith. It was also a good way to sneak in more time with it myself. It was purposeful in that I wanted to train them to love God's Word. I did not follow a set plan. I was not intimidated.

10. Did you feel pressure to "get it right" or "be perfect" in reading with your children? Were you afraid of them asking questions?

I did not feel pressure to get it right. I was not afraid of them asking questions. The main obstacle was being busy, and the main distraction was television. Those obstacles were generally overcome by being flexible.

11. What did you hope to accomplish by reading the Bible to your children? What was your goal or primary objective?

My main objective was for my children to love and cherish the Bible as much as I do.

12. What makes a Bible story book a good Bible story book? What do you look for--did you look for--in a Bible story book?

A good Bible story book has engaging pictures, is true to the gospel, and appropriate to the learning level of the child. If the author or editor was/is not a person of true Christian faith I would automatically reject it.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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