
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Book Review: When Daddy Prays

When Daddy Prays. Nikki Grimes. 2002. 32 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: May my children see beyond my muscles to your strength. May they find across my broad shoulders the imprint of your wings. May they feel your love in the hollow of my hand. May they hear your voice in the echo of my words.

Premise/plot: When Daddy Prays celebrates family life and PRAYER. This picture book is a collection of poems. Each poem either directly or indirectly concerns the father's prayer life both private and public. For example, the book opens with "A Father's Prayer." I would consider that an actual prayer. (See above). The next poem, "When Daddy Prays," is more of a son's poetic reflection of the effects of his father's prayers. In part, "When Daddy prays my fear of darkness disappears and angels tiptoe down the hall. I hear them through the door and wall. They whisper in a velvet husssshhh that floats me off to sleep when Daddy prays." The third poem, "Daddy Says," seems to be a child's prayer to God. It may just be my favorite of the whole book.
Daddy says
you rock him
in your arms
the way he
once rocked me.
That after he
tucks me in
and switches
off the light,
he whispers
secrets to you
through the night
exactly like
I whisper mine
to him.
But yesterday
I think
I heard him say
you're a better
My thoughts: I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this one. I think it is a MARVELOUS celebration of family life, of a family's devotional life, of faith itself. What a WONDERFUL book celebrating Fathers as well.

Text: 5 out of 5
Illustrations: 5 out of 5
Total: 10 out of 10

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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