
Monday, July 4, 2016

Book Review: How Church Can Change Your Life

How Church Can Change Your Life. Josh Moody. 2015. Christian Focus Publications. 76 pages. [Source: Borrowed]

First sentence: Why another book on church?

Premise/plot: Josh Moody seeks out to answer ten commonly asked questions about church. The questions:

  • Is church only for Christians?
  • Do I need to go to church if I am a Christian?
  • Which church is the true church?
  • Why are there so many different kinds of churches?
  • What is the point of baptism and communion?
  • Why is preaching important?
  • Why is there so much politics in church life?
  • Should I go back if I have been hurt by church?
  • What should I look for in a healthy church?
  • How can I serve in a church?

Each chapter asks and answers one question. If you're skimming the book, the answers are almost always found about a paragraph or perhaps two paragraphs before the "story" section of each chapter. The first portion of each chapter explains/describes the question and ultimately answers it. The second portion of the chapter is just a story to illustrate a person who might have that question. Each chapter concludes with a few discussion questions.

My thoughts: I liked it. I liked that it was a quick and relevant read. While one could certainly read it straight through, I think it's also the kind of book that you could use as a resource and just read the chapters that you're currently interested in.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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