
Monday, August 29, 2016

Book Review: A Changed Agent

A Changed Agent. Tracey J. Lyons. 2016. 229 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: "My trunk!" Elsie Mitchell watched in horror as her trunk fell off the over packed porter's wagon, spilling its contents onto the platform at the Albany train station.

Premise/plot: Elsie Mitchell, our heroine, is a school teacher returning to her hometown after a vacation. Also making the journey by train, is our hero, William Benton. He's not alone: he brings with him two children: a niece (who's refusing to speak) and a nephew (who talks enough for two). He'll be working long hours, so he needs someone to watch after the kids when he's gone. As any reader could tell you, that someone will end up being Miss Mitchell. And it's not such a leap to guess that by the end of the book, these two will be properly wed and ready to raise these two children together.

My thoughts: What's wrong with being predictable so long as it is predictable and satisfying? I like romance stories with teachers. I like stories where a woman falls for a man with children. It seemed like a very good match for me. In this case, there's the added bonus of the guy being a secret agent for Pinkerton. I have no strong liking for secret-undercover-spy stories. But no strong disliking either!

I liked this one well enough. I did. I can't think of one thing I particularly disliked about it. But at the same time I can't really think of anything that I absolutely loved and adored. It's a good, solid like for me.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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