
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Book Review: The Believer's Walk with Christ

The Believer's Walk With Christ. John MacArthur. 2017. Moody. 160 pages. [Source: Review copy]

The Believer's Walk with Christ is a meaty, substantive book by John MacArthur. The theme of this one is WALKING WITH CHRIST. Each chapter studies a different Scripture text highlighting that theme. Texts studied and explored include: Ephesians 4:1-6; Ephesians 4:17-24; Romans 6:1-10; Galatians 5:16-25; 1 John 2:3-6, 1 John 1:6-7; Ephesians 5:2; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10. Each chapter gives in-depth coverage of that Scripture passage.

This one is rich in insight, and weighty in importance. For that reason, I would recommend you to read the book very differently from how I read it. I read it in two or three days. I definitely regret rushing it. I do. So my advice: take your time, and, read intentionally, thoughtfully.

If you're familiar with John MacArthur's teaching, you may not need much convincing to pick this one up. You will be aware of the relevance of his work. You will be aware of his diligence to preach and truth the word of God. For those not familiar with his teaching, this one is a good representative. And probably a LOT less controversial than some of his other books.

TRUE OR FALSE: Too many Christians are glad to have the spiritual security, blessings, and promises of the gospel but have too little sense of responsibility in conforming to its standards and obeying its commands.

TRUE OR FALSE: The Lord expects us to act like the new persons we have become in Jesus Christ. He expects His standards to become our standards, His purposes our purposes, His desires our desires, His nature our nature. The Christian life is simply the process of becoming what you are.

TRUE OR FALSE: Right doctrine is essential to right living. It is impossible to live a faithful Christian life without knowing biblical doctrine. Doctrine simply means teaching, and there is no way that even the most sincere believer can live a life pleasing to God without knowing what God Himself is like and knowing the sort of life God wants him to live. Those who set biblical theology aside also set aside sound Christian living.

TRUE OR FALSE: God’s work cannot be served by the world’s ways. God’s call is to humility and His work is only accomplished through humility.

TRUE OR FALSE: The first sin was pride, and every sin after that has been in some way an extension of pride.

TRUE OR FALSE: A believer can no more sanctify himself than he could have saved himself in the first place. He cannot live the Christian life by his own resources any more than he could have saved himself by his own resources. In its most profound yet simple definition, the faithful Christian life is a life directed and empowered by the Spirit.

TRUE OR FALSE: Whatever God establishes, Satan will counterfeit. Where God establishes true love, Satan produces counterfeit love. Counterfeit love characterizes Satan’s children, those who are of the world, just as true love characterizes God’s children, those who are citizens of heaven.

I would definitely recommend this thought-provoking new book by John MacArthur.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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