
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My Year with John Owen #3

I will be sharing some John Owen quotes this year. The first book I'll be reading is Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers (1656).
Let not that man think he makes any progress in holiness who walks not over the bellies of his lust. ~ John Owen
He who does not kill sin in his way takes no steps toward his journey's end. ~ John Owen
He who finds not opposition from it, and who sets not himself in every particular to its mortification, is at peace with it, not dying to it. ~ John Owen
If vain spending of time, idleness, unprofitableness in men's places, envy, strife, variance, emulations, wrath, pride, worldliness, selfishness (1 Cor. 1) be badges of Christians, we have them on us and among us in abundance. ~ John Owen
The good Lord send out a spirit of mortification to cure our distempers, or we are in a sad condition! ~ John Owen
There are two evils which certainly attend every unmortified professor--the first, in himself; the other, in respect of others. ~ John Owen
In himself. Let him pretend what he will, he has slight thoughts of sin; at least, of sins of daily infirmity. The root of an unmortified course is the digestion of sin without bitterness in the heart. When a man has confirmed his imagination to such an apprehension of grace and mercy as to be able, without bitterness, to swallow and digest daily sins, that man is at the very brink of turning the grace of God into lasciviousness and being hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Neither is there a greater evidence of a false and rotten heart in the world than to drive such a trade. ~ John Owen
To others. It has an evil influence on them on a twofold account: It hardens them, by begging in them a persuasion that they are in as good condition as the best professors. ~ John Owen
They deceive them, in making them believe that if they can come up to their condition it shall be well with them; and so it grows an easy thing to have the great tempt ion of repute in religion to wrestle with, when they may go far beyond them as to what appears in them, and yet come short of eternal life. ~ John Owen
The Holy Spirit is the great sovereign cause of the mortification of indwelling sin. ~ John Owen

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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