
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Year with Owen #21

I will be sharing some John Owen quotes this year. The second book I'll be reading is Of Temptation: The Nature and Power of It.

Sin will not long seem great or heavy unto any to whom temptations seem light or small. ~ John Owen
The daily exercise of our thoughts with an apprehension of the great danger that lies in entering into temptation, is required of us. ~ John Owen
Temptation despised will conquer; and if the heart be made tender and watchful here, half the work of securing a good conversation is over. ~ John Owen
Therefore are we to pray that we may be preserved from it, because we cannot save ourselves. ~ John Owen
This is another means of preservation. As we have no strength to resist a temptation when it does come, when we are entered into it, but shall fall under it, without a supply of sufficiency of grace from God; so to reckon that we have no power or wisdom to keep ourselves from entering into temptation, but must be kept by the power and wisdom of God, is a preserving principle (1 Pet. 1: 5). ~ John Owen
The first beginnings of temptation [are] insensible and plausible, so that, left unto myself, I shall not know I am ensnared, until my bonds be made strong, and sin has got ground in my heart. ~ John Owen
This will make the soul be always committing itself to the care of God, resting itself on him, and to do nothing, undertake nothing, etc, without asking counsel of him. ~ John Owen
We are to pray for what God has promised. Our requests are to be regulated by his promises and commands, which are of the same extent. ~ John Owen
To pray that we enter not into temptation is a means to preserve us from it. ~ John Owen
It is not my business to speak of it [prayer] in general; but this I say as to my present purpose— he that would be little in temptation, let him be much in prayer. This calls in the suitable help and succor that is laid up in Christ for us (Heb. 4: 16). This casts our souls into a frame of opposition to every temptation. ~ John Owen
The other part of our Savior’s direction— namely, to “watch”— is more general, and extends itself to many particulars. I shall fix on some things that are contained therein. ~ John Owen
Watch the seasons wherein men usually do “enter into temptations.” ~ John Owen
A season of unusual outward prosperity is usually accompanied with an hour of temptation. John Owen
A time of the slumber of grace, of neglect in communion with God, of formality in duty, is a season to be watched in, as that which certainly [has] some other temptation attending it. ~ John Owen
A season of great spiritual enjoyments is often, by the malice of Satan and the weakness of our hearts, turned into a season of danger as to this business of temptation. ~ John Owen
A fourth season is a season of self-confidence; then usually temptation is at hand. ~ John Owen

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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