My words won't do this lecture series justice. You'll just have to trust me on that. I found this series by Michael Reeves to be giddy-making. Six of the twelve sermons focus a bit more on history than theology. Six of the twelve sermons focus a bit more on theology than history. So if you LOVE both--as I do--you'll find yourself in a very happy place.
Here are the twelve sermons:
- Tyndale and the Early Reformers
- Henry VIII
- Edward VI and Mary I
- Elizabeth and the Rise of the Puritans
- The Theology of the Puritans
- Richard Sibbes
- James I and Charles I
- Thomas Goodwin
- Cromwell and Charles II
- John Owen
- Owen's Theology
- The Demise of Puritanism
Some of the people discussed: William Tyndale, Erasmus, Martin Luther, Henry VIII, all of Henry VIII's wives, Edward VI, Lady Jane Grey, Mary I, Queen Elizabeth, James I, Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, Charles II, Richard Sibbes, Thomas Goodwin, John Owen, John Bunyan.
There's religion, theology, politics, and so much more!
Questions addressed:
What is the Reformation? What is at the heart of the Reformation? What are the five solas? What's the big deal about justification by faith alone? When did the Reformation end? Did it end? Who were the Puritans? What was the Puritan movement about? What did they hope to achieve? Were all Puritans the same? When did that period begin and end? Is the church still in need of purifying today? What can we learn from reading Puritans? Who is worth reading and remembering? Where is a good place to start?
I loved, loved, loved, LOVED this series. I found it fascinating. The sermons were anything but boring. Most were packed with a lot of information. Yet they always came full circle in a way. I found the series as a whole to be very Christ-centered. Theology should lead to WORSHIP. And if this series doesn't lead you to praising God, I don't know what will. I found Reeves' enthusiasm contagious.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
What a fascinating topic!