
Friday, July 7, 2017

Book Review: Lifted

Lifted: Experiencing the Resurrection Life. Sam Alberry. 2010/2012. P&R. 142 pages. [Source: Borrowed]

First sentence: It was dark and raining and I was late.

If you're a believer, chances are that you believe in the resurrection. But I have a question for you, how often do you think about the resurrection? Do you think about it a couple of times a year? Like on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, or perhaps even a funeral? Sam Allberry invites you to think deeply about the resurrection and see how it changes everything about how you live your life day to day. The resurrection is not just a doctrine to be paraded out a couple of times a year. The resurrection is to be a lived doctrine. It should have an impact on your life.

The book has four chapters: "Assurance," "Transformation," "Hope" and "Missions." In the first chapter, readers learn that the resurrection assures us of who Jesus is and of what Jesus has done. In the second chapter, he talks about rebirth or new life. Because of the resurrection, we have received new life in Him and through Him. (2 Corinthians 5:17) In the third chapter, he distinguishes between Christian hope and worldly hope. Worldly hope is something we want, something we wish for. But there are no certainties, no guarantees, no true assurances that it will ever come to be. Christian hope is founded on something certain: God himself. "The Bible speaks of hope as something we have. It is about looking forward to something that is certain. There is no degree of risk or disappointment. It cannot be frustrated by anyone." When our lives are built upon hope--hope found in God himself--then our lives will reflect it. In the fourth chapter, he addresses an unpopular issue: God's future judgment or wrath. The resurrection, he argues, is proof that Jesus will return as judge. This judgment is good, righteous, and certain. Because of the resurrection, we have a mission--an ongoing mission--to share the gospel with anyone and everyone.


  • The resurrection means that we can be assured of our salvation. It confirms two things: that Jesus is who he says he is, and that he's done all that he said he would. The Savior is vindicated in the face of all who rejected his claims. Salvation is assured in the face of all our doubts. (21)
  • What we need to see is this: the resurrection is the consequence and demonstration of our salvation because death is the consequence and demonstration of our sin. (36)
  • Sin is not deciding to break the rules, it's deciding to make the rules. (37)
  • Being raised with Christ should change our perspective. We need to see reality in the light of where we now are. Things are now different in resurrection life. We are not where we were, and we need to keep up with that. We need to set our hearts and minds on things above. Notice that it will take some determination on our part. It's not automatic. (60)
  • Whenever people begin a statement about God with, "I like to think of God as…' they are telling you a certain amount about themselves and nothing at all about God. Reality is not based on our likes and dislikes. (124)
  • For God not to judge us, and for our lives not to be held accountable, would mean that we didn't ultimately matter to him. So the fact that he will one day judge the world is actually a good thing. It means we have value and purpose. It means wrongdoing will not go unpunished. And since God knows all things, fairness and equity are guaranteed. There will be no injustice when this God makes his judgment. (126)
  • Mission is about attitude, not geography; what we're doing, not where we are; a particular priority, not a particular place. It is about an attitude that has come to terms with the resurrection of Jesus and what that means for the world. God has exalted him to be worshipped. He is confirmed as the Judge of all, and in his rising the day of judgment has been fixed and confirmed. People need to be reached with his gospel of forgiveness, hope, and new life. (136)

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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