
Thursday, July 20, 2017

My Summer with Psalm 119 #7

As a few of you know, I love, love, LOVE Psalm 119. I thought it would be great to spend a summer focusing on that psalm and what others have had to say about it. I'll begin with Thomas Manton's Exposition of Psalm 119. It may take all summer to read all 158 sermons. But they're so GOOD, so RICH, I think it will be worth it.

The seventh sermon is on Psalm 119:6.

  • No sin can be little that is committed against the great God.
  • A Christian is alike everywhere, because God is alike everywhere.
  • A chief cause of our going wrong is because we do not bring our hearts and ways together.
  • Two things make one bold, innocency and independency; and both are found in him that hath a sincere respect to God’s commandments.
  • Sin and shame entered into the world together.
  • Sin is odious to God, it grieveth the Spirit; but the person that committeth it shall be filled with shame.

The eighth sermon is on Psalm 119:7.

  • Every unbeliever, such as all are by nature, is condemned already, having only the slender thread of a frail life between him and the execution of it. The sentence of the law standeth in force against him, since he will not come to Christ to get it repealed. This sentence standeth in force against all heathens which never heard of Christ, and are condemned already by the law.
  • Conscience is God’s deputy, Satan is God’s executioner.
  • The witness is silenced; the executioner hath no more to do when the judge absolveth, as God doth all by the sentence of the gospel that are willing to come under Christ’s shadow.
  • Men have only a process against others either for words or actions, but God hath a process against them for their thoughts. Though in men’s courts thoughts are free, as not liable to their cognisance, yet they are subject to another judicature.
  • Words will come to be judged: either we are to give an account of them here, or hereafter; either to condemn ourselves for them, and seek pardon, or to be condemned hereafter before God.
  • God will not deal with you by way of surprise; he hath plainly told you according to what rule he will proceed: saith he, The word which I have spoken, the same shall judge you at the last day.’
  • If you cannot stand before the word of God, how will you stand before Christ’s tribunal at the last day?
  • Consult often with the word, which is the copy of God’s most righteous will. A man need go no further either for direction, quickening, or encouragement. The world despiseth the plain directions of the word, and crieth up the notion of things, and looketh for quainter conceits, and things of a more sublime speculation. If we should only bring scripture, and urge men by God’s authority, and call upon them in Christ’s name, and by Christ’s arguments, this would be too low for them.
  • To be backward in the knowledge of grace after long teaching, and to be still conflicting with fleshly lusts, which is the exercise of beginners—so much means and so small experience, and get no further—this is sad!

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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