
Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

I thought I would begin the year sharing some fantastic quotes from J.C. Ryle. I'm currently reading his Coming Events and Present Duties. These words are good to hear any day of the year, but are particularly applicable as a new year begins.

The first sermon in this collection, is "Watch." He's preaching on Matthew 25:1-13.
You are either traveling towards Heaven — or towards Hell. Never for a moment forget this. This is the point that concerns your eternal soul. Whatever your opinion may be on other points — this is the one that you should never lose sight of. Let not the devil divert your attention from it. Say to yourself, as you read this parable, “I am spoken of here!”
Reader, the suddenness of the Lord’s second advent is a truth that should lead every professing Christian to great searchings of heart. It should lead him to serious thought, both about himself and about the world. Think for a moment, how little the world is prepared for such an event. Look at the towns and cities of the earth, and think of them. Mark how most men are entirely absorbed in the things of time, and utterly engrossed with the business of their callings.
The world will let a man serve the devil and go to Hell quietly, and no one lifts a little finger to stop him, or says, “Be merciful to your soul.” The world will never let a man serve Christ and go to Heaven quietly, and does everything that can be done to keep him back.
Never, never be afraid of going too far. Never, never be afraid of being too holy. Never, never be ashamed of desiring to go to Heaven, and of seeking to have a great crown. Millions will lament in the day of Christ’s return, because they have not enough religion: not one will be heard to say that he has got too much.
Truly a religion that does not make a man ready for everything — for death, for judgment, for the second advent, for the resurrection — such a religion may well be looked on with suspicion. Reader, if your religion does not make you ready for anything — the sooner it is changed, the better!
Watch against SIN of every kind and description. 
Watch against doubts and unbelief as to the complete acceptance of your soul, if you are a believer in Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus finished the work He came to do — do not tell Him that He did not. The Lord Jesus paid your debts in full — do not tell Him that you think He left you to pay part. The Lord Jesus promises eternal life to every sinner that comes to Him — do not tell Him, even while you are coming, that you think He lies. Alas, for our unbelief!
Watch against inconsistency of walk — and conformity to the world. Watch against sins of temper and of tongue. These are the kind of things that grieve the Spirit of God, and make His witness within us faint and low. Watch and pray!
Oh, my believing readers, let us all watch more than we have done! Let us watch more every year that we live. Let us watch, that we may not be surprised when the Lord appears.
Let us watch for the world’s sake. We are the books they chiefly read. They mark our ways, far more than we think. Let us aim to be plainly-written epistles of Christ! 
Let us live as if His glory was concerned in our behavior. Let us live as if every slip and fall was a reflection on the honor of our King. Let us live as if every allowed sin, was . . . one more thorn in His head, one more nail in His feet, one more spear in His side!
His next address is expository teaching on Romans 13:12.
1. You have here the present condition of the world. It is night. 2. You have the condition of the world which is yet to come. It will be day. 3. You have the particular time in which our lot is cast. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand. 4. You have the duty of all believers who know the time. They ought to cast off the works of darkness and to put on the armor of light.
I only ask that the believer in the New Testament should live by a New Testament standard — that he should look for the coming of the day of God, and wait for the Son of God from Heaven, and love his Lord’s appearing.
I only ask that we should take scriptural views of things as they are — and things as they yet will be. I ask that we should see our present evils — and mourn over them; that we should see our future good things — and long for them. Let us honestly confess that sin is around us — and long to be delivered from its presence. Let us honestly confess that holiness is one day to spread over the earth — and long for it to come. Let us never be ashamed to allow that it is “night” and that we want it to be “day.”
Reader, try all your employment of time by the test of Christ’s second coming. Place in this balance — your amusements, your books, your companions, your manner of conversation, your daily behavior in all the relations of life. Measure all by this measure, “The night is far spent and the day is at hand. Am I living as a child of the night — or as one who looks for the day?”
Wherever you may live — and whatever may be your trials; however great your difficulties — and however small your helps; nothing should prevent your aiming at the highest standard — to behave like one who believes that Christ is coming again!
Let there be light in your heart continually: Christ dwelling there by faith — felt, known, and experienced by your soul.
Let there be light in your life continually: Christ reflected there, followed, imitated, and copied. Seek to be a light in the world and nothing less — a bright light, a clear light, a light that men can see afar off. Do this and you will put on the armor of light.
Live as if you thought that Christ might come at any time. Do everything, as if you did it for the last time. Say everything, as if you said it for the last time. Read every chapter in the Bible, as if you did not know whether you would be allowed to read it again. Pray every prayer, as if you felt it might be your last opportunity. Hear every sermon, as if you were hearing once and forever. This is the way to be found ready.
If you're looking for a new way to live in 2018, you couldn't get much better advice than this last.

  • Live as if you thought that Christ might come at any time. 
  • Do everything, as if you did it for the last time. 
  • Say everything, as if you said it for the last time. 
  • Read every chapter in the Bible, as if you did not know whether you would be allowed to read it again. 
  • Pray every prayer, as if you felt it might be your last opportunity. 
  • Hear every sermon, as if you were hearing once and forever. 
  • This is the way to be found ready.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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