
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Book Review: The Moment of Truth

The Moment of Truth. Steven J. Lawson. 2018. Reformation Trust. 238 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: “Does absolute truth exist?” The question is often asked by many today. We live in a generation that denies any such notion of truth. The only absolute seems to be there are no absolutes, and the only truth that there is no truth.

Steven Lawson's newest book, The Moment of Truth, is a wonderful read that I highly recommend. The topic is TRUTH and the fundamental importance of it in our lives. He begins by defining what truth is: " Truth is not how things may appear to be. Nor is it how we want things to be. Neither is it what opinion polls say something is. To the contrary, truth is the way things really are."

The book has three parts: "The Reality of Truth," "The Rejection of Truth," and "The Reign of Truth."

Lawson's book is clear, logical, practical, persuasive, compelling,  but most of all biblical. Every chapter is packed with Scripture and he seeks to unpack the meaning of the Word of God clearly and carefully for readers.

Each chapter is a gem. For example, in chapter one Lawson shares EIGHT reference points to help believers distinguish "true truth" from "pretenders to the truth." 1) Truth is divine. All truth originates with God. 2) Truth is absolute and reigns as the highest authority. " Truth has the first word and the final say in every matter." 3) Truth is objective. "Truth speaks with specific words that have a definite meaning. It is concrete, black and white, and narrowly defined. It never blurs the lines of distinction." 4) Truth is singular. "Truth is never true for one person, but not true for someone else. Truth is always truth for every individual." 5) Truth is unchanging. "What is truth today never becomes untrue tomorrow. Right is always right, and wrong is always wrong." 6) Truth is authoritative. "Truth has the right to make assertive demands upon our lives. Truth necessitates something from us. When the Bible speaks, God Himself speaks and summons us by His truth." 7) Truth is powerful. "Truth cuts to the bone. When we are pierced by the truth, it opens us up and allows us to see ourselves as God sees us. Truth is so powerful, that it alone can save us from the wrath to come. Truth can sanctify us into the image of Jesus Christ. Truth has the power to strengthen the weak. It encourages the downcast. It guides the lost. It challenges the sluggish. It comforts the discouraged. Truth does what only God can do because it is the truth of God Himself." 8) Truth is determinative. "Your relationship to the truth charts the course of your life in this world. Ultimately, truth will have the say on whether you spend eternity in heaven or in hell."

In Chapter five, Lawson examines Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the fall of mankind. He argues, "The war on the truth that began thousands of years ago in the garden of Eden continues to be carried out today against God Himself. First, the devil began this combat by casting doubt upon the Word of God. A careful study of Genesis 3 reveals a clear progression in Satan’s strategic attack against the truth in which the first attack was meant to create doubt in the mind of Eve."

Not only is every chapter a gem, the chapters just seem to get better and better. There isn't a weak link in the book. From cover to cover, this one is worth your time and effort. It should be read and reread.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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