
Saturday, February 3, 2018

My Victorian Year #5

This week I'm sharing Spurgeon quotes from Morning and Evening.
Every tear which trickles from your eye—weeps “imperfection”; every harsh word which proceeds from your lip—mutters “imperfection.” You have too frequently had a view of your own heart—to dream for a moment of any perfection in yourself. But amidst this sad consciousness of imperfection, here is comfort for you—you are “perfect in Christ Jesus.”
But there is a second perfection—yet to be realized, which is sure to all the chosen seed. Is it not delightful, to look forward to the time when every stain of sin shall be removed from the believer, and he shall be presented faultless before the throne, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing? The Church of Christ then will be so pure, that not even the eye of Omniscience will see a spot or blemish in her; so holy and so glorious, that Joseph Hart did not go beyond the truth when he said—"With my Savior’s garments on—Holy as the Holy One.”
They praised God for what they had heard—for the good tidings of great joy that a Savior was born unto them. Let us copy them; let us also raise a song of thanksgiving that we have heard of Jesus and His salvation. 
They also praised God for what they had seen. There is the sweetest music—what we have experienced, what we have felt within, what we have made our own, “the things which we have made touching the King.” It is not enough to hear about Jesus: mere hearing may tune the harp—but the fingers of living faith must create the music.
If you have seen Jesus with the God-giving sight of faith, allow no cobwebs to linger among the harp-strings—but awake your psaltery and harp loud to the praise of sovereign grace!
Forward lies the crown, and onward is the goal.
When Jesus gave Himself for us—He gave us all the rights and privileges which went with Himself. As eternal God, He has essential rights to which no creature may venture to pretend—yet as Jesus, the Mediator, the federal Head of the covenant of grace—He has no inheritance apart from us.
All the glorious consequences of His obedience unto death—are the joint riches of all who are in Him, and on whose behalf He accomplished the divine will. See, He enters into glory—but not for Himself alone, for it is written, “Where the Forerunner has entered for us.” Hebrews 6:20. Does He stand in the presence of God? “He appears in the presence of God for us.”
Consider this, believer. You have no right to heaven in yourself; your right lies in Christ. If you are pardoned, it is through His blood; if you are justified, it is through His righteousness; if you are sanctified, it is because He is made of God unto you sanctification; if you shall be kept from falling, it will be because you are preserved in Christ Jesus; and if you are perfected at the last, it will be because you are complete in Him.
How often are the saints of God downcast and sad! I do not think they ought to be. I do not think they would be—if they could always see their perfection in Christ.
There are some who are always talking about corruption, and the depravity of the heart, and the innate evil of the soul. This is quite true—but why not go a little further, and remember that we are “perfect in Christ Jesus!”
Christ Jesus is the way of life, and He is a plain way, a pleasant way, a way suitable for the tottering feet and feeble knees of trembling sinners!

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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