
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

True or False with Richard Sibbes #3

TRUE OR FALSE. If we would have faith ready to die by, we must exercise it well in living by it, and then it will no more fail us than the good things we lay hold on by it, until it hath brought us into heaven, where that office of it is laid aside.

TRUE OR FALSE. Our care must be to know our work, and then to do it; and so to do it as if it were unto God, with conscience of moderate diligence; for over-doing and over-working anything comes either from ostentation or distrust in God. Let us do our work, and leave God to do his own. Diligence and trust in him is only ours, the rest of the burden is his. Trust God and be doing, and let him alone with the rest. He stands upon his credit so much, that it shall appear we have not trusted him in vain, even when we see no appearance of doing any good.

TRUE OR FALSE. A heavenly soul is never satisfied, until it be as near God as is attainable. And the nearer a creature comes to God, the more it is emptied of itself, and all self-aims. Our happiness is more in him, than in ourselves.

TRUE OR FALSE. A sound-hearted Christian hath always a God to go to, a promise to go to, former experience to go to, besides some present experiences of God’s goodness which he enjoys. For the present he is a child of God, a member of Christ, an heir of heaven. He dwells in the love of God in the cross as well as out of it. Ho may be cast out of his happy condition in the world, but never out of God’s favour. If God’s children have cause to praise God in their worst condition, what difference is there betwixt their best estate and their worst?

TRUE OR FALSE. Our life is nothing but as it were a web woven with interminglings of wants and favours, crosses and!blessings, standings and fallings, combat and victory, therefore there should be a perpetual intercourse of praying and praising in our hearts.

TRUE OR FALSE. We ought not only to give thanks, but to be thankful, to meditate and study the praises of God. Our whole life should be nothing else but a continual blessing of his holy name, endeavouring to bring in all we have, and to lay it out for God and his people, to see where he hath any receivers.

TRUE OR FALSE. We live not to live. Our life is not the end of itself, but the praise of the giver. God hath joined his glory and our happiness together. It is fit that we should refer all that is good to his glory, that hath joined his glory to our best good, in being glorified in our salvation.

TRUE OR FALSE. What makes heaven but the presence of God? and what makes hell but the absence of God? Let God be in any condition, though never so ill, yet it is comfortable; and usually we find more of God in trouble than when we are out of trouble. The comforts of religion never come till others fail.

TRUE OR FALSE. It is our chief wisdom to know him, our holiness to love him, our happiness to enjoy him. There is in him to be had whatsoever can truly make us happy. We go to our treasure and our portion in all our wants; we live by it and value ourselves by it.

TRUE OR FALSE. God in his own time, which is best for thee, will be the salvation of thy countenance; he will compass thee about with songs of deliverance, and make it appear at last that he hath care of thee.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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