Today I finished reading the KJV Daily Chronological Bible. This Bible is arranged into acts and scenes. Arranged chronologically according to the judgment of the editors.
Act I God's Plan for All People
- Act I, Scene 1, Creation
- Act I, Scene 2, The Fall
- Act I, Scene 3, The Flood
Act II God's Covenant People
- Act II, Scene 1, The People
- Act II, Scene 2, Deliverance
- Act II, Scene 3, The Sinai Covenant and Law
- Act II, Scene 4, The Land
- Act II, Scene 5, Kings and Prophets: God Shapes a Kingdom People
- Act II, Scene 6, God Divides the Kingdom People
- Act II, Scene 7, Kings and Prophets: The Southern Kingdom as God's People
- Act II, Scene 8, Exile
- Act II, Scene 9, Return
Act III God's New Covenant People
- Act III, Scene 1, Christ's Coming
- Act III, Scene 2, Christ's Ministry
- Act III, Scene 3, Christ's Deliverance of His People: God's Work Through the Death, Resurrection, and Enthronement of the King
- Act III, Scene 4, Christ's Church
- Act III, Scene 5, Christ's Second Coming and Reign: God's Future for the Kingdom
The Bible tells a unified story. There is a definite BIG PICTURE to the Bible, a framework for understanding how all the parts of the Bible fit together.
This Bible encourages readers to go on a journey to understand what the Bible is saying, how it all fits together. This Bible is divided into weekly and daily readings. It is divided into fifty-two weeks. Each week has six daily readings. These are not labeled with dates and months. Just numbered. So you can begin the Bible any day of the year. And if you miss a few weeks, you can pick it back up with no shame.
The Holman Publishers have this chronological Bible in several translations. The one I read was the King James Version.
My only complaint is that it breaks words into syllables. Sam-u-el turned again after Saul; and Saul worshipped the LORD.
It is also verse-by-verse and not paragraph by paragraph.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
I'm currently reading a One Year Chronological Bible. I would love for you to share your review on Book Club Tuesday at Colletta's Kitchen Sink: