Hosted by Growing 4 Life (sign up post) (facebook group)
Here’s the challenge:
We will read the assigned portion every day for one month. By the end of each month we will be super familiar with the content—even if we don’t do anything further. You can choose how dedicated you want to be. If you have other studies going on or in the midst of a busy time of your life, you may want to shoot for three or four days per week to get started. Or perhaps you want to commit to six or seven days. If you are like me, the amount of times we can read each week may even change throughout the year. This is fine, because each month gives us a new beginning. Just remember: The more often we read a passage, the more familiar it will become.
We will read the assigned portion every day for one month. By the end of each month we will be super familiar with the content—even if we don’t do anything further. You can choose how dedicated you want to be. If you have other studies going on or in the midst of a busy time of your life, you may want to shoot for three or four days per week to get started. Or perhaps you want to commit to six or seven days. If you are like me, the amount of times we can read each week may even change throughout the year. This is fine, because each month gives us a new beginning. Just remember: The more often we read a passage, the more familiar it will become.
Here is the schedule–
January: I John
February: John 1-7
March: John 8-14
April: John 15-21
May: Colossians
June: Romans 1-4
July: Romans 5-8
August: Romans 9-12
September: Romans 13-16
October: Philippians
November: 2 Thessalonians
December: Jude
February: John 1-7
March: John 8-14
April: John 15-21
May: Colossians
June: Romans 1-4
July: Romans 5-8
August: Romans 9-12
September: Romans 13-16
October: Philippians
November: 2 Thessalonians
December: Jude
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
This looks like a good plan. Thank you :)