
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Psalms Saturated Reading Plan Version 3

This third and possibly (probably) final reading plan will take you through the book of Psalms 30 times throughout the year. It is adapting John MacArthur's 30 Day system--which he recommends for the New Testament, and really he never suggests it for the Old Testament--to the book of Psalms. I have divided the book of Psalms into twelve months. I have broken the readings into what makes sense to me--as a reader--with a slight exception. The way I usually read Psalms would have only ten months. I tend to read Psalm 120-150 in one sitting, but I have broken it into two.

I've also added one month of reading my most favorite, favorite, favorite section of Isaiah. Be honest, these are just as DELICIOUS as Psalms. 

30 Days OF
JanuaryPsalm 1-8
FebruaryPsalm 9-16
MarchPsalm 17-26
AprilPsalm 27-41
MayPsalm 42-72
JunePsalm 73-89
JulyPsalm 90-106
AugustPsalm 107-118
SeptemberPsalm 119
OctoberPsalm 120-130
NovemberPsalm 131-150
DecemberIsaiah 40-66

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible


  1. I love this and plan to use this for 2021.

  2. I agree, Isaiah is wonderful as the Psalms. Now, to decide which plan to follow... Thanks for posting these!
