
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Tentative Plans for Bible Reading 2022

I plan on continuing to use the Daily Office from the Book of Common Prayer. I do Morning, Midday, Evening, and Compline. I read two lessons--one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament--at Morning, Midday and Evening. For the Morning and Evening Offices, I read Appointed Psalms. For the Midday Office, I read a chapter from Proverbs. I do not follow the lectionary readings. I like to read "chunks" of Scripture. I try to read with the natural pauses of Scripture. I also am not opposed to rereading chapters. So I might read Genesis 1-2 one lesson and Genesis 2-3 for another lesson. My goal is how can I read Scripture in such a way that it speaks to me? How can I best appreciate, understand, grasp Scripture? I personally have found--no judgment on those who do differently--that it is rare for that way to be to just to read one chapter at a time from a book. I like looking at how individual chapters fit into the bigger picture--the surrounding chapters and the book as a whole. I imagine that reading Scripture in this way, I will read through the Bible several times in one year. Particularly the New Testament. Through the Daily Office I will be completing Psalms twelve times and Proverbs twelve times. 

I am tentatively considering reading the lectionary--on the side--not part of my Daily Offices. This would be supplemental. (Perhaps I could combine this with my love for historic Bible translations??? See below). I haven't decided which lectionary to use. Every Book of Common Prayer has a different lectionary. 

The Growing 4 Life Facebook Group that I've joined (several years running) will be reading selected passages in Scripture 30 days in a row--the MacArthur method, if you will. 

January -- James
February -- Daniel 1-4
March -- Daniel 5-8
April -- Daniel 9-12
May -- Titus
June -- Genesis 37, 39-44
July -- Genesis 45-50; Acts 7:9-18
August -- Galatians 1-3
September -- Galatians 4-6
October  -- 1 Peter
November -- 2 Peter
December -- Philemon

Be Thou My Vision. I am strongly considering using Jonathan Gibson's Be Thou My Vision as a supplemental devotional. I am still 100% planning on doing the Daily Offices. There may be days where the Be Thou My Vision devotional just does not happen. I have two or three ideas for how I want to read Scripture incorporating the structure and liturgy from Be Thou My Vision. I have a new NASB (95) DAILY BIBLE. OR I could use the Scripture reading portion of the devotion to read the Growing 4 Life selected portion. (In January, for example, the book of James.) What I've been doing in December is using Be Thou My Vision and then opening up YouVersion and following one of the plans I'm already using. That has been working out well. But any mix of the above are my intentions.

In 2021, I broke the book of Psalms into ELEVEN sections for eleven months so that I could read through the book 30 days in a row. It was INTENSE some months. But also wonderful. In 2022, I have chosen the book of Isaiah. I will probably make a post about it. But essentially 

JanuaryIsaiah 1-5
FebruaryIsaiah 6-10
MarchIsaiah 11-17
AprilIsaiah 18-22
MayIsaiah 23-27
JuneIsaiah 28-33
JulyIsaiah 34-39
AugustIsaiah 40-43
SeptemberIsaiah 44-48
OctoberIsaiah 49-54
NovemberIsaiah 55-60
DecemberIsaiah 61-66

In 2021, I really fell head over heels in love with HISTORIC Bible translations. I read the 1560 Geneva Bible and the 1611 King James Version--both in original spelling. In 2022, I'd love to continue this by reading other Bible translations. Perhaps the Great Bible of 1539. There is a publisher that has made kindle books for these older translations that work great. And these translations are also available online. The oldest in English is Wycliffe--1382

YouVersion. I love, love, love signing up for short term reading challenges. (And by short-term, I mean anything not 365 days!) So I imagine I will continue to use YouVersion to supplement my main reading.

There are a handful of translations and Bibles I would LOVE, love, love to read in 2021:

LSB -- Legacy Standard Bible. 
NASB 95 -- perhaps my favorite-and-best translation. 
BSB -- Berean Study Bible. I've heard rumors that it is soon to be rechristened the Berean Standard Bible
ESV -- Definitely one of my favorite-and-best translations.
NASB 77 -- I have only read through this one once and it was LOVE.

Others I may or may not get to:

RSV -- Definitely one I enjoy reading and rereading

I have decided NOT to do the M'Cheyne daily plan in 2022. I did this one in 2020 and 2021. I enjoyed it in 2020, but I didn't really enjoy it as much in 2021. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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