The Story of Abortion in America. Marvin Olasky and Leah Savas. 2023. [January] 512 pages. [Source: Review copy]
First sentence from the foreword: Marvin Olasky and Leah Savas tell the story of abortion in America by telling the stories of abortion in America.
First sentence from chapter one: Journalists for centuries have wrestled with how much attention to pay to the creature in the womb.
The authors stress that this is a STREET history of abortion in America--as opposed to "suite" history. It is a history book spanning almost four hundred years. It doesn't have a solitary or sole focus or angle. The approach isn't solely (or strictly, or exclusively) from a moral/ethical perspective (or frame). It presents the story of abortion in America from MANY angles/perspectives. It is first and foremost a book chronicling facts, facts, facts, and more facts. It has a plethora of stories spanning CENTURIES. There are some voices/perspectives that are pro-choice. There are some voices/perspectives that are pro-life. It shows how people's perception of abortion has changed through the centuries.
I found this one fascinating AND heartbreaking AND sometimes astonishing. I was surprised by how early the [American] church betrayed the unborn. I always assumed that the church gave into pressure from society/culture. I didn't know that the church supported abortion years--if not decade(s) before it was legalized. That pastors had referral circles to abortionists. That they were actively encouraging women to get abortions if they found themselves in difficult situations. That was heartbreaking.
There are so many STORIES. This one was so well-researched.
I'd like to read this book. I will look for it at the library. Thanks Becky.