
Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Salon #11

Current Bible plans and projects:

Seedbed Psalter. There's a book. There's a website. The website plays the instrumental music, so that's what I'm using. (My mom has the book which she's using). So essentially, Dr. Timothy and Mrs. Julie Tennent have created a (new) psalter. It is a metrical psalter so that the psalms can be song to various tunes (that match up with the meters). I've committed to singing the Psalms for the month of March using the Book of Common Prayer psalms calendar. This week I've read/sung Psalms 24-61. 

Psalm 24Lyons (O Worship the King)
Psalm 25New Britain (Amazing Grace)
Psalm 26St. Anne (O God, Our Help In Ages Past)
Psalm 27Candler (Ye Banks and Braes)
Psalm 28Winchester Old (Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire)
Psalm 29Foundation (How Firm a Foundation)
Psalm 30Dundee (God Moves In a Mysterious Way)
Psalm 31Guidance (He Leadeth Me)
Psalm 32
Beach Spring (Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service)
Psalm 33The Ash Grove (Let All Things Now Living)
Psalm 34Morecambre (Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart)
Psalm 35Southwell (Lord Jesus, Think On Me)
Psalm 36Azmon (O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing)
Psalm 37Sweet Hour (Sweet Hour of Prayer)
Psalm 38Dundee (God Moves In a Mysterious Way)
Psalm 39Winchester Old (Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire)
Psalm 40Ellacombe (Hosanna, Loud Hosanna)
Psalm 41Kingsfold (O Sing a Song of Bethlehem)
Psalm 42New Britain (Amazing Grace)
Psalm 43St. Columba (The King of Love My Shepherd Is)
Psalm 44St. Denio (Immortal, Invisible)
Psalm 45Toulon (I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art)
Psalm 46Azmon (O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing)
Psalm 47Forest Green (I Sing the Mighty Power of God)
Psalm 48Lyons (O Worship the King)
Psalm 49Ode to Joy (Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee)
Psalm 50Morning Song (My Soul Gives Glory to My God)
Psalm 51Dundee (God Moves In a Mysterious Way)
Psalm 52Kingsfold (O Sing a Song of Bethlehem)
Psalm 53St. Thomas (I Love Thy Kigndom, Lord)
Psalm 54Winchester Old (Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire)
Psalm 55St. George's Windsor (Come, Ye Thankful People, Come)
Psalm 56Kingsfold (O Sing a Song of Bethlehem)
Psalm 57New Britain (Amazing Grace)
Psalm 58Llangloffan (O God of Earth and Altar)
Psalm 59Kingsfold (O Sing a Song of Bethlehem)
Psalm 60Dundee (God Moves In a Mysterious Way)
Psalm 61Nettleton (Come, Thou Fount)

ESV Church History Bible. I finished this one!!!! Praise the LORD. I obviously love it. But it was getting to be a little stressful trying to read the notes and text with my current vision problems. But I mostly succeeded. It is reviewed. Highly recommend. This week I read Jeremiah 45-52, Lamentations, Joel, Amos, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, and the Gospel of John. 

NIV 84 Rainbow Study Bible. Started this one on Saturday. Genesis 1-5. Matthew 1-4.

ESV Psalter. I finished this one too!!! I read Psalms 58-150.

Wycliffe New Testament. I read Matthew 1-12.

NRSV XL. I read Isaiah 46 through 66.

BSB M'Cheyne. Exodus 16-22. Luke 19-24. John 1. Job 34-40. 2 Corinthians 4-10. 

Growing for Life. March is Mark 9-12. This week I read: LSB, BSB, NLT, NASB 95, 1599 Geneva, CSB, NIV 84. 

Currently reading:

The Story of Abortion in America by Marvin Olasky (making some progress)
Jesus Revolution by Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn. (making some progress)
The Escape Game by Marilyn Turk (not making progress; all my fault)

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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