
Saturday, October 21, 2023

73. Knowing the Spirit

Knowing the Spirit. Costi W. Hinn. 2023. 315 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: Years have passed since I was saved and began studying the Holy Spirit with the curiosity of Sherlock Holmes, but one trend continues to be prevalent: the Holy Spirit is quite possibly the most used and abused member of the Trinity.

Costi W. Hinn's newest book is Knowing the Spirit: Who He Is, What He Does, and How He Can Transform Your Christian Life. He writes with great balance--balancing practical application and theology. Both are key, in my opinion. This one does address the elephant in the room issues surrounding the Holy Spirit. Because there is such a broad spectrum of "Christian" believers who have strong opinions about WHO the Holy Spirit and WHAT he does. Hinn's approach is bible based, always. He goes beyond what this denomination or that denomination teaches. He goes beyond the experiential 'knowing' to see what the Word of God says--in both testaments--about the Holy Spirit. He also isn't trying to please everyone--surprise, you can't. Hinn stays grounded in the Word of God and what more can you ask for in a book. Yes, he tackles some difficult topics in this one. 

I definitely enjoyed this one. I found it informative and well written. 

His recommended bible study/bible application tool for reading passages.

Sin: Is there sin to confess or avoid?
Promise: Is there a promise God is making that is specifically for me?
Example: Is there an example in the passage that I should follow?
Command: Is there a command I should obey?
Knowledge: Is there knowledge about God that deepens worship and my relationship with him?

Favorite quote:

When it comes to the Holy Spirit, we need to make sure everything we believe lines up with Scripture. I’ve often heard this quote attributed to Charles Spurgeon (though I can never find the original source) that says, “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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